Our school day

It is a legal requirement that, from September, children in year 1 and above must have a minimum of 32.5 hours in school a week, which equates to 6.5 hours a day.

From September 2023, our timings will be:

Reception class 8.45am to 3.10pm (Reception class are not included in the legislation.)

All other classes 8.45am to 3.20pm.

This equates to 32.9 hours

All classes are registered and lessons start at 8.50pm.

The school office is open from 8.30am until 3.30pm, at other times there is an answerphone service.

Nursery hours are from 9am-3pm which reflects the 15 or 30 hours funded by the Government. The nursery gate opens at 8.45am for self registration.